Hopi’s Prophecies

According to the philosophy of the Hopis, Amerindian people of Arizona, the world has already been created and destroyed three times. We are living in the 4th era and are on the brink of the 5th which will be preceded by catastrophic events: waters will submerge a lot of lands, the sun will become hotter and hotter, awful hurricanes and earthquakes will shake the Earth.

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How to help each other

According to sensitive Edgard Cayce, the 21st century will be a lapse of time when people will help one another to recover hope and courage and keep a sort of “personal mission” alive. As we are living in a time of changes, we all need a reference point to keep our thoughts and emotions in a stable equilibrium. For this purpose, Cayce recommended to repeat short phrases, either mentally or aloud, in order to keep in contact with the best part of life.

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The age of the Holy Spirit

Gioachino da Fiore was a mystic defined by Dante “the Calabrian  provided with a magnetic spirit” and even Barack Obama often quotes him as a source of inspiration. The prophetic message of the abbot is based on the theological conception of the Holy Trinity and claims that the world has to go through three ages, each one linked to the persons of the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. “As the Father belongs to the Old Testament and the Son to the New one, in the same way the Holy Spirit belongs to the spiritual intelligence descending from both”.

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Cayce’s “safe lands”

In his predictions Edgard Cayce (early 20th century) listed some “safe lands”, less vulnerable spots   to the impressive geophysical transformations threatening us. The American psychic located them in Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Canada, but the guiding principle used to choose these “safe” places is not clear. In the light of globalization, we can claim that anything disturbing the balance of a state, immediately affects the life and the economy of the whole world.

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The finalized thought

Ervin Laszlo, scientist and philosopher of systems, candidate to the Nobel  Peace Prize, has recently coordinated the first “Day of Meditation for the Planet”. Starting from Damanhur Community (eco-society based on ethic and spiritual values) and aiming at the construction of a worldwide conscience, the initiative involved more than one million people over 54 countries.

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Words of confidence

Mario Vegas de Llosa, Nobel Prize for literature in 2010, goes back to the the World Youth Days of last August when Pope Benedetto XVI met millions of youths in Madrid and underlines the importance and the urgency of young people to be on the front line for the society welfare. The Peruvian writer, expressly agnostic, restates however that it’s time for radical choices and for a strong return to the primacy of common good.

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Millennium Development Goal

Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Prize Winner and Economist in Bangladesh, has recently delivered a message of hope for the Millennium Generation. “We all recognize that we must work together to register real, lasting progress (Millennium Development Goals). “Instantaneous communication” allows us unlimited access to knowledge and with this power, unbridled ambition to affect positive changes in the world.

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Come aiutarsi l’un l’altro

Per il sensitivo Edgard Cayce, il XXI secolo sarà un tempo in cui le persone si aiuteranno l’un l’altra per riacquistare la speranza, riprendere coraggio e mantenere viva una sorta di “missione personale”. In un’epoca di cambiamento abbiamo tutti bisogno di un punto fermo per mantenere stabili i pensieri e le emozioni. A questo scopo, Cayce raccomandava di ripetere, mentalmente o ad alta voce, brevi frasi che possono aiutare a rimanere in contatto con la parte migliore della vita.

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L’età dello Spirito Santo

Gioachino da Fiore è un mistico definito da Dante “il calabrese dotato di spirito magnetico” e addirittura citato più volte da Obama quale fonte di ispirazione. Il messaggio profetico dell’abate si basa sulla concezione teologica della Trinità divina e afferma che il mondo debba attraversare tre età, abbinate alle persone della Trinità: Padre, Figlio e Spirito Santo.

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Le “terre sicure” di Cayce

Nelle sue profezie Edgard Cayce (XX° secolo), ha elencato alcune “terre sicure”, luoghi meno vulnerabili alle imponenti trasformazioni geofisiche che ci minacciano. Il sensitivo americano le pone in Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois e in Canada, ma non è chiaro il principio adottato   nell’individuare questi posti “sicuri”.

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