Hopi’s Prophecies

According to the philosophy of the Hopis, Amerindian people of Arizona, the world has already been created and destroyed three times. We are living in the 4th era and are on the brink of the 5th which will be preceded by catastrophic events: waters will submerge a lot of lands, the sun will become hotter and hotter, awful hurricanes and earthquakes will shake the Earth.

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The illiterate nun who used to write in Latin

Visions and prophecies about the end of the world come from different fields and cultures, but all agree on the same date: 2012. The Nun from Dresden, an illiterate Saxon religious born in 1600, in a state of inspired conscience wrote many prophetic letters in Latin and German. “That night (the night of the end of the world) will be the bridge between the era of the Son  and the era of the Holy Spirit.

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The poisonous hug

The Russian monk and clairvoyant Grigorij Rasputin, killed in 1916, was an unsettling character who formulated clear prophecies about facts which would happen about a century after his death and that we are really living today. Among them is pollution, described with suggestive images: poisons would embrace the planet like the hug of a lover, the breath of death would blow in the skies and the waters would become bitterer than a snake rotten blood.

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Hildegard and Antichrist

Theologian, writer, famous preacher, but also an expert in music and medicine, Hildegard lived in 1100 in Germany where she founded the nunnery of St. Rupert in Bingen. Many of her visions and prophecies have come true, but attention on her writings has recently revived thanks to her prediction of the coming of Antichrist and the consequent end of times.

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Mother Shipton

Mother Shipton was an English  prophetess who lived at the end of 1400 during the reign of Henry VIII. Charged with witchcraft, her popularity is due to a long series of fulfilled prophecies, among which the beheading of Mary Stuart, the Plague of 1665 and the Fire of London in 1666. Not to mention the invention of the engine, the plane, the submarine and internet.

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The planet will shake

The ancient wisdom of the American natives is still alive in 21st century. Sun Bear (Vincent La Duke) writer, actor and contemporary medicine expert, belonging to the people of Chippewa, in one of his prophecy books drawn from old pictograms on birch-tree bark, warns contemporary man of the awful consequences of his way of life. “The planet might rebel shaking like a dog does when it gets rid of fleas”.

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Terra e Sole, campi magnetici in opposizione

Il campo magnetico della Terra si sta riducendo ad un ritmo molto veloce (-38% negli ultimi 2000 anni). Il magnetismo del Sole, invece, dal 1901, si è intensificato del 230%, secondo l’Appleton National Lab., California. Nessuno sa cosa questo significhi realmente perché studiamo il Sole sistematicamente da poco più di un secolo, ma la sua vita risale ad almeno quattro miliardi di anni. L’attività delle macchie solari di questi ultimi tempi è però stata maggiore di qualunque altra mai registrata e il prossimo picco, che coincide con il rilascio di radiazioni di spaventosa violenza, è previsto per la fine 2012.

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How to help each other

According to sensitive Edgard Cayce, the 21st century will be a lapse of time when people will help one another to recover hope and courage and keep a sort of “personal mission” alive. As we are living in a time of changes, we all need a reference point to keep our thoughts and emotions in a stable equilibrium. For this purpose, Cayce recommended to repeat short phrases, either mentally or aloud, in order to keep in contact with the best part of life.

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The age of the Holy Spirit

Gioachino da Fiore was a mystic defined by Dante “the Calabrian  provided with a magnetic spirit” and even Barack Obama often quotes him as a source of inspiration. The prophetic message of the abbot is based on the theological conception of the Holy Trinity and claims that the world has to go through three ages, each one linked to the persons of the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. “As the Father belongs to the Old Testament and the Son to the New one, in the same way the Holy Spirit belongs to the spiritual intelligence descending from both”.

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Il sistema nervoso della Terra

Si chiamano “linee  sincroniche” e costituiscono un reticolo di percorsi energetici che si diramano sulla Terra. La Federazione Damanhur, attiva a pochi km da Torino, studia le energie della Terra ed è giunta alla conclusione che questo tessuto nervoso che percorre il pianeta in cavità sotterranee, è formato da fasci di energie che catalizzano le grandi forze del cosmo.

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